SHTF Planning – How To Make An Oil Lamp
SHTF planning – heating you home when there is no conventional fuels. In this article we discuss methods our ancestors used for light and heat.
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Survival Blog dedicated to survivalists, trappers and outdoor enthusiasts in general. Here we discuss prepper news, trapper supplies, trapping snares, and many other aspects of survival. We discuss potential SHTF scenarios, how to survive them and shtf planning. What supplies you need, ideal content for survival backpacks and other things like bug out or bug in. Watch for our soon to launch Survival Podcast on BlogTalk Radio.
SHTF planning – heating you home when there is no conventional fuels. In this article we discuss methods our ancestors used for light and heat.
Survival trapping is a critical skill that you NEED to learn. Here we will discuss the gear you need when it comes to survival.
Having a SHTF plan is critical. The world today is total chaos, with coronavirus, food shortages, uncertain futures you need a plan. Our rticles focus on tips, tricks and ideas to create and tailor your very own SHTF plan.