Trapping Supplies, Survival Gear, Outdoor Gear
We are located in the heart of outdoor country. Morgan County Tennessee features some of the most exciting backpacking, hunting, fishing, kayaking, rock climbing in the nation. When you go out on your adventures, you need the right gear. Let us help you find the right gear so you can enjoy your trip without breaking your bank. Take a look at just a few of the items we offer below. Contact us when you are ready and we will have your gear ready to ship. If you are local we can have it ready for pickup. We have access to over 18k outdoor products, if we don’t have it on hand, chances are we can get it.
Physical Address:
507 South Kingston St.
Wartburg TN 37887
(pick up only)
Mailing Address
PO Box 411
Wartburg, Tn 37887
We do not run a brick n mortar store, please contact us with requests to pick up items of stop by to speak to us.
Phone: 865-730-0715
Email: [email protected]
Contact Form

Camping Foods
Easy to carry, easy to prepare

Emergency Kits
Emergency Survival Backpacks

Knives, Axe's and More
Knives, machete and camp axe's

Camping Gear
More camping gear coming soon
Orders that will require pickup must be done in advance by calling 1-865-730-0715 or sending us an advance notification via form above. We will be more than happy to accomodate you and ensure you are ready for your outdoor adventure.