Hog Snares
Feral hogs have become a major problem across America and many landowners as well as hunters have taken up the task of helping control them. Hog snares are a critical part of that mission to control feral hogs. When placing a convention trap is not an option, you need to resort to methods that work. Snares can be easily transported and set very quickly. We can set a snare in under a minute and be moving on.
The cam Lock snare is deadly when it comes to trapping feral hog. It is a fast closing snare that will not turn loose. Once its locked down its game over! If you are looking for a hog snare that can hold your prey then this snare it it. Be careful however because this snare is designed to dispatch the animal. Place this is locations where domestic animals are not going to be present. 7×7 3/32 cable, 84 inches in length with support collar and #9 gauge swivel heads. We also manufacture the hog snare in 120 inch configurations. Comes in standard and with deer stops. These snares are also great for Wolf trapping.
For survivalists this snare is ideal in cooler weather. No need to dispatch the animal. The snare will do that for you. If you are in warmer weather you may want to consider the micro lock snare listed below since spoiled food is never a good idea.
Place your hog snare along trails and entering into wallows, keep the loop about 6 inches off the ground and use a 10-14 inch loop. Sometimes we set a 16 inch loop for bigger hogs. Keeping the hog snare 6 inches off the ground allows for catching both small to large size hogs. Anchor your hog snares up high approx. 3ft on a flexible tree about 3 inches in diameter.
Make sure its a strong green tree and not dead wood. The flexible tree cushions as the hog attempts to lunge and minimizes snare stressing and the high anchor point prevents him from obtaining leverage. Most animals can pull with more leverage in a straight level direction. The high anchor point reduces this.
The Micro Lock Hog Snare
Our Micro Lock hog snares come in the same 7×7 – 3/32, 84 inch configuration and these are our choice for trapping feral hog when you plan to dispatch them on site. These snares are ideal for survivalist’s who are in warmer weather environments and spoilage is a concern. These have the super fast micro lock that has taken the snaring industry by storm. The micro lock holds tight but relaxes slightly when the animal stops pulling. These snare can be used where there may be a possibility of domestic animals venturing in. The Micro Lock snare is also available with deer stops. As with the instructions above make sure you anchor to flexible trees when snaring larger more powerful animals.
If you need hog snares in bulk then please contact us with length, snare type and any specific needs. We can use 7×7, 1×19 3/32 and can make up 5/64 snares with advance notice. Bulk snares are priced according to order size. We can put together a custom order for you. We offer hog snares to Animal Damage Control operators at a reduced price. simply call 1-865-730-0715 or email [email protected]
Please check your local regulations on coyote trapping. Some state require snares to have deer stops and some require break away devices. It is your responsibility to know your state trapping laws and regulations.
More information on feral hogs here