Sustainable Farming

sustainable farming

Sustainable farming is something every future conscious citizen should be concerned about. We depend on other countries for our food which is a terrible idea. An estimated 15 percent of the U.S. food supply is imported, including 50 percent of fresh fruits, 20 percent of fresh vegetables and 80 percent of seafood. This leaves us in a very bad spot. Back in the day America was a farming nation producing tons upon tons of food that was consumed right here in America. Relying on imported food leaves us at another great peril known as Monsanto. Monsanto produced genetically modified foods which is very bad for our health. So what is our answer?

Our Answer is sustainable farming and it starts right here in America. By producing our own foods once again as we did back in the day, we can decrease our dependencies on other nations and produce a product that is free of chemicals and genetic modifications. Aquaponic is a great way to start. With aquaponics you produce two products, both fish and vegetables. Aquaponics can be easily implemented on a small and local scale but what about a large mass producing scale? Well, we are about to find the answer to that question.


Aquaponics Farming

aquaponics farmingOn the cumberland plateau sits a small town known as Sunbright Tennessee. Sunbright was once a thriving town with business on every corner. There were two banks, several grocery stores, train depots, logging companies, lumber yards and more. Over time the town slowly began to die. Today there isn’t much left but a small town with little hope of an economic future. The residents rely on a store some 15 miles away that is limited in its goods and offers mostly imported foods but all this is about to change. JustBeGreen LLC is proposing the world’s largest aquaponics farm here in their small town. Founder Gary Hunt plans to build a 290 plus acres of facility that will churn out fish and vegetables on a mega scale. Such a huge scale aquaponics farming project would produce nearly 4 million pounds of Barramundi fish per year and nearly 14 million pounds of vegetables not to mention the employment of hundreds of local people. 

There would need to be roadways to transport the product, perhaps another rail depot, business centers, distribution points, places for businessmen to sleep while here conducting business. It could breathe life into a dying town while offering locally grown healthy food and employment.

Feeding a Nation & Helping The World

The plan does not stop there however, Hunt has a vision to spread this production across America and eventually around the globe. “Imagine the good we can do” said Hunt. “Picture an aquaponics farm in every state producing 4 million pounds of fish per year. That is 200 million pounds of fish, imagine how many people we can feed”. We have approx. 372 million people in America consuming on average 16 lbs of fish per year. That equates to 5,952,000,000 pounds of fish yearly if “every” American ate fish. If we planted just two of these facilities per state we can produce 400,000,000 pounds and put a big dent in that 5 billion number. Now here is where it gets really good, for every 4 million pounds of fish, you can produce 14 million pounds of vegetables. That is 18 million pounds of food from one facility. Duplicate that and you are producing 3,600,000,000 of food right here in America.

Now we imagine taking this sustainable farming project into other nations and offering to help feed the impoverished nations, the tribes of Peru, the people of India, the congo or the Kalahari. ‘This could grow into one the largest food production and humanitarian efforts in the world. Sustainable farming on a global scale. It’s not so far from reality. Get the first one going and then begin to fund the next project, then the next and a snowball effect takes place. Sustainable resources is our key to the future. Our nations are focused on the wrong issues and we must bring attention to the things that matter most. This is one of those things. We must and all costs make our Government officials aware of this need and our ability as a people to do it.

We will update more on this project as it moves forward as we are working very close with the founder and officials involved. If you wish to stay updated on the progress you can sign up for our newsletter and we will send periodic updates.